Скрипторий: Monster - ifrit shuyookh (rage of elements)
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НЕТ ПЕРЕВОДАMonster - ifrit shuyookh (rage of elements)
Ifrit Shuyookh
Creature 14
The leaders and luminaries of ifrits come from the wise but cruel shuyookhs. These spiteful manipulators lord their might over other genies and twist mortal greed into grief. Ifrit shuyookhs guide the Dominion of Flame with their vicious whims and unwavering belief in ifrit supremacy.
Recall Knowledge - Elemental ( Arcana, Nature): DC 37
Unspecific Lore: DC 35
Specific Lore: DC 32
Recall Knowledge - Elemental ( Arcana, Nature): DC 37
Unspecific Lore: DC 35
Specific Lore: DC 32
Source Rage of Elements
Perception +25; darkvision
Languages Common, Pyric; truespeech
Skills Arcana +25, Athletics +28, Crafting +23, Deception +25, Diplomacy +24, Intimidation +26, Society +23
Str +8, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +5
Items +2 striking scimitar, +1 resilient breastplate
AC 36; Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +27
HP 300; Immunities fire; Weaknesses cold 15, water 15
Heat of Blazing Wings ( arcane, aura, fire) 5 feet, 4d6 fire damage (DC 31 basic Reflex) Exploit Regret arcane, auditory, fortune, linguistic) Trigger A creature fails an attack against the shuyookh; Effect The shuyookh asks the triggering creature if it wishes it had hit. If the creature indicates yes, the shuyookh takes damage as if the attack had hit and the expression of regret makes the shuyookh quickened for 1d4 rounds; they can use their extra action to Fly, Stride, or Strike. (
Speed 25 feet, fly 35 feet
Melee fire, forceful, magical, reach 10 feet, sweep), Damage 2d6+16 slashing plus 4d6 fire scimitar +31 [+26/+21] ( Melee agile, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d4+16 bludgeoning plus 4d6 fire Arcane Innate Spells DC 35, attack +27; 7th fist +29 [+25/+21] ( plane shift (at will; to Astral Plane, Elemental Planes, or the Universe only), volcanic eruption; 5th fireball (at will), fire's pathway; 4th invisibility (×2); Cantrips (7th) detect magic, illuminate, produce flame; Constant (5th) tongues
Burning Grasp ( fire) When the ifrit Grab or restrains a creature, that creature takes 4d6 fire damage, and takes 4d6 fire damage at the end of each of its turns until freed. Change Shape ( arcane, concentrate, polymorph) The shuyookh transforms into a Small or Medium fire elemental or reptile, such as a snake. This doesn't affect the shuyookh's statistics, but it could change the damage type of their Strikes. Combat Grab grabbed in the shuyookh's free hand. Requirements The ifrit shuyookh has a hand free; Effect The shuyookh makes a melee Strike. If the Strike hits, the target is Pedantic Wish ( downtime) Frequency three times per year; Effect The shuyookh conducts a wish ritual for the benefit of a mortal, requiring no cost or secondary casters. The shuyookh's result is a success if they succeed at a DC 5 flat check or a failure if not. The shuyookh subverts the wish-maker's true intentions, twisting the phrasing to maximize suffering
Perception +25; darkvision
Languages Common, Pyric; truespeech
Skills Arcana +25, Athletics +28, Crafting +23, Deception +25, Diplomacy +24, Intimidation +26, Society +23
Str +8, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +5
Items +2 striking scimitar, +1 resilient breastplate
AC 36; Fort +26, Ref +23, Will +27
HP 300; Immunities fire; Weaknesses cold 15, water 15
Heat of Blazing Wings ( arcane, aura, fire) 5 feet, 4d6 fire damage (DC 31 basic Reflex) Exploit Regret arcane, auditory, fortune, linguistic) Trigger A creature fails an attack against the shuyookh; Effect The shuyookh asks the triggering creature if it wishes it had hit. If the creature indicates yes, the shuyookh takes damage as if the attack had hit and the expression of regret makes the shuyookh quickened for 1d4 rounds; they can use their extra action to Fly, Stride, or Strike. (
Speed 25 feet, fly 35 feet
Melee fire, forceful, magical, reach 10 feet, sweep), Damage 2d6+16 slashing plus 4d6 fire scimitar +31 [+26/+21] ( Melee agile, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d4+16 bludgeoning plus 4d6 fire Arcane Innate Spells DC 35, attack +27; 7th fist +29 [+25/+21] ( plane shift (at will; to Astral Plane, Elemental Planes, or the Universe only), volcanic eruption; 5th fireball (at will), fire's pathway; 4th invisibility (×2); Cantrips (7th) detect magic, illuminate, produce flame; Constant (5th) tongues
Burning Grasp ( fire) When the ifrit Grab or restrains a creature, that creature takes 4d6 fire damage, and takes 4d6 fire damage at the end of each of its turns until freed. Change Shape ( arcane, concentrate, polymorph) The shuyookh transforms into a Small or Medium fire elemental or reptile, such as a snake. This doesn't affect the shuyookh's statistics, but it could change the damage type of their Strikes. Combat Grab grabbed in the shuyookh's free hand. Requirements The ifrit shuyookh has a hand free; Effect The shuyookh makes a melee Strike. If the Strike hits, the target is Pedantic Wish ( downtime) Frequency three times per year; Effect The shuyookh conducts a wish ritual for the benefit of a mortal, requiring no cost or secondary casters. The shuyookh's result is a success if they succeed at a DC 5 flat check or a failure if not. The shuyookh subverts the wish-maker's true intentions, twisting the phrasing to maximize suffering